For the first time today I was able to "Stand and Pray" for 40 Days for Life. This is a program that started with the Catholic Church in College Station, Texas and has now spread across the world. It is peaceful prayer support outside of abortion clinics. As a result of this program countless lives have been changed, whether it is mothers who do not have to live with the grief of having lost a child, abortion clinic workers who have turned away or the beautiful lives of the little babies saved. One person in particular who was saved by the fervent prayers of 40 Day for Lifers was Abby Johnson. She was the Director and "Employee of the Year" of Planned Parenthood. She honestly believed that she was helping women by providing them a safe place to receive abortions. Then one day God changed her heart forever. It became extremely clear to her how brutal abortion really is. She was lost and did not know where to turn and walked right into the arms of the sidewalk counselors outside of her clinic. She is now one of the most prominent pro-life speakers. She travels the country speaking out against Planned Parenthood and their money driven tactics. Abby has written a book with her entire conversion story called "Unplanned". She is currently writing her second book that details what goes on behind the closed doors of Planned Parenthood. Check out her website here. She also goes to my church, which I think is pretty cool! I feel like I have a new famous friend. :)
I was quite honestly very scared to go today. I was not sure what would happen. I was not even sure if it would be safe to stand outside the clinic. My mother-in-law went with me. She was so calm and it really seems that God was calling her to this ministry. She was a natural! It made me feel much more at ease to see her so calm and willing to help. I watched and prayed as eight women walked in with their boyfriends and did not return. It broke my heart. I also witnessed the Christian Love that flowed from the trained sidewalk counselor to each and every woman. She would speak to them with such dignity and respect. I cannot say that this was a fun ministry or that I loved it, but I can say it feels good to have helped and I will definitely go back and help again! Please consider volunteering for 40 Days in your area. If you want more information click here. If you are not able to come out and pray remember that you can pray anytime anywhere!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Spending some time with Jesus!

The following year I started working with the teens and I was introduced to Adoration for the first time with beautiful praise and worship music. Adoration is when Jesus is fully present body, blood, soul and divinity through the Eucharist. I fell in love with spending time with Jesus in Adoration. I remember one of my first experiences I knew Adoration was coming and I got so excited to see Jesus. I was kneeling on a hard gym floor and singing. As I sang my hands began to raise palms up just about at my waist level. Then I felt someone holding my hands and I knew it was Jesus there spending time with me. After that I was hooked!! I can say that Adoration is one of my absolute favorite things to do! At each retreat I can't wait for that moment. To me it feels like that moment when you go to the airport to pick up a dear friend or family member. You wait at the baggage claim and watch every person who walks in thinking "Are they here yet?" Then the person you love walks in and you run to great them. That is how I feel kneeling when the priest walks in with the monstrance. I just can't wait to see my sweet friend. Then I usually begin balling uncontrollably! :) The teens always laugh at me. It looks like I have some serious issue going on. Nope, I just love Him so much that it brings me to tears EVERY time!Sometimes I even feel a bit of jealousy of the priest. He gets to hold my Lord and carry Him in for everyone to share.
I could write for hours about amazing Adoration experiences. I have seen hearts converted, teens fall to their knees in tears, others go unconscious, and I have felt how amazing He is during every experience of Adoration. Most recently I took a group of teens to DCYC which is a huge Catholic youth conference in Waco. I would venture to say that it is one of the most spiritual places on Earth. The Holy Spirit is so ALIVE during this weekend. Adoration on Saturday night is always the pinnacle of the weekend. The teens kneel and pray with so much love during this time. We had a friend of a teen come with us who was not Catholic. We did not explain to her what was happening. She had such a moving experience that it scared her. She asked if she could go back to the hotel for the night and we agreed. The next morning she told me last night was amazing. She said I didn't know what was going on. I was praying then suddenly I felt myself drawn out of my body towards that Gold Thing (The Gold Thing was our Lord in the beautiful Monstrance, but she didn't know that). She said she saw herself on a shore and Jesus was drawing her near to Him.Then she asked me are they going to bring that Gold Thing out again today? I had to giggle if only she knew Who was in that Gold Thing. :) I explained to her that she was in the presence of Christ last night and explained what Adoration is. After that she went home and told her parents that she wanted to become Catholic. I was amazed how God could work in her life when she didn't even understand what was happening at the time. Adoration is absolutely amazing! There are countless documented and undocumented miracles that have occurred in the presence of Christ during Adoration. If you are having any troubles or need prayer go to Him in Adoration and you will feel such a connection to Him.
Also talk to your kids about the Eucharist and explain to them what is happening each week at Mass. I tell my kids "Here comes the best part" (I got that from my sweet friend April). We go to a church that still uses the bells during Mass, which I love. The bells are meant to signify that Christ is present now in the Eucharist. In my church after the bells ring it is not uncommon to hear my three year old YELL "Mommy Jesus is here!!!" While I love her enthusiasm I would rather it weren't so loud!
Take your kids to see Jesus in the Eucharist as well. All churches have a Tabernacle that you can visit anytime. Sometimes when we go to church during the week I will take my kids through the back of the church to see Jesus. They kneel and talk to him for a few minutes. Then we light a candle. They just love it!! It is such a great teachable moment. I get a chance to explain to them why we genuflect and kneel, because we love Him so much! We need to show Him that we have reverence and love for Him. I pray that my kids have a similar experience of love and connection with our Lord. If you are looking for a better connection with Him go spend some time with Jesus in the Eucharist! You won't regret it!
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