Olivia's baptism had an even stronger effect on me. We had so many friends and family here to celebrate with her. She slept through part of her baptism then at almost the exact moment when the Deacon baptized her she was filled with the Holy Spirit. She suddenly began to glow with the biggest smile I have ever seen. It was as if she knew exactly what was happening. It sealed for me in that moment that baptism is real and alive even if the baby is young and doesn't understand what is happening. She was given to God on that day and it can never be taken away from her. Now does Olivia remember this? No, but I am able to show her the pictures of her beautiful smile and explain to her that she had God in heart. She loves that story. We have been talking a lot about baptism lately because I know that Eli will be baptized soon and I want them to truly understand what is happening to their baby brother. We talk about what it means to be a baptized Christian, that it is the day when we are one with the church, that it forgives our sins. We talk about God's love and Grace, which Ella loves because her middle name is Grace. We also talk about what it means to renew our baptismal vows with holy water each Sunday at church.
Olivia was baptized in July. I think we missed the actual date but I think I will fudge a little and celebrate it this week anyway. She is three she won't know the difference right? :)
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