
Friday, July 27, 2012

Spiritual Birthday Party!

A couple of days ago I blogged about having a baptism celebration and what that would mean to our kiddos click here if you haven't read it yet.
Today we celebrated Olivia's baptism. It was so much fun! She just loved hearing the story of her first baptism and learning what it means to be baptized. We started by reading the story of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus in their little bible. If you are looking for a great preschool bible I highly recommend this one. We have read it cover to cover several times and it includes all of the main narratives of the bible in a way that little ones can understand.
After that we looked back through the pictures from her baptism. We talked about the party and all of the friends and family that came to celebrate with her. Then we talked about the sacrament itself and how the Holy Spirit came down on her just like in the story of Jesus and John the Baptist. She thought that was really cool. :) I think so too! We talked about the significance of wearing white during a baptism and the baptismal candle. Then I told her I had a surprise for her.
   I pulled out a box that held the beautiful baptismal gown that both girls were baptized in. It also had her baptismal candle and a letter from her God Mother Jennifer. She desperately wanted to try on the baptismal gown. I could not explain to her that she was only 3 months old when it fit her. The dress is so long it looks like it would fit her now.

I wanted them to have an understanding of the sacrament of baptism before their little brother Eli is baptized so we reenacted a baptism with none other than Repunzel. She seemed to be the doll that could take water the best. We said the baptismal promises and the girls loudly answered "I Do" to each question. Then Olivia poured water over her head.

We finished the party with a cookie. I think that was their favorite part. Ella is already talking about her baptism party in March. It was great fun, but more than that it reinforced  for the girls just how special it is to be baptized.

Thanks to Catholic Icing for letting us join her linky party!!! She has great ideas for fun spiritual activities for kids. Check it out!

Catholic Icing

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Teaching Kids to Pray

One  of the most valuable lessons we can teach our kids is how to pray. I believe it is an area we all need extra help with and kind of fall short on teaching. Don't get me wrong we do great job of teaching the "Now I lay Me Down To Sleep" prayers and "pray for Grandma prayers" or Grace before meals, but I mean real connecting with God prayers. One of my main goals as a mom is to teach my kids how to discern God's will in their life. Now if you asked me five years ago to discern something I would have had NO idea what you were talking about. To discern is to prayerfully make decisions based on God's will for your life. Discernment is not easy, in fact it can be very difficult.  Teaching my children to follow God in this way  is a challenge I am ready to take on.  In our culture kids are taught that they can be anything they want to be, go anywhere they want to go, do whatever they want to do, etc.... But I disagree. We can do anything that God wants us to do. If it is in His divine plan for us then we are unstoppable and our job is to follow Him closely enough to understand His plan. As parents we need to teach our children to be the person that God has designed them to be by knowing Him personally and following Him.

I am an extremely discerning person. I believe that God is everywhere in my life and wants to be  part of every decision I make, from the large decisions like "where to work" or "how many kids to have" to the small choices like "what should I wear today?" or "What should we do today?" Now I know that may sound silly, but I truly believe He cares about each of us that much. I also believe that nothing happens out of chance it is all part of God directing our lives. He doesn't typically give us big signs but little nudges here and there. For instance, my God moment from yesterday.....  I really need a nursing cover for the new baby. I wanted to get a good one but I am crazy cheap and could not bring myself to pay $30 for one. I looked several different times at stores and online and just kept chickening out. I felt this icky feeling in the pit of my stomach saying that I shouldn't buy it. The very next day I got an email from a friend with a free coupon for a high quality nursing cover. Coincidence? I don't think so! I think I followed God's will in that little insignificant matter. Yes He cares about the little insignificant things.

So back to teaching our kids. Ella my four year old asks me often "How do I know if God is talking to me?" or "Does God talk to me too?" The answer is yes He absolutely talks to her because some of the things she says are entireley to spiritually profound for a four year old to create on her own.  There are three main ways that God speaks to us and it is typically not a big loud booming voice like on TV.

1. God speaks through scripture- You may read the same bible verse for the 10th time but it will have a diferent meaning for you in that exact moment. This is God using His own words to direct your life. Scripture is our own personal love letter from God! Read it!

2. God speaks through our friends- In any type of serious decision of discernemnt you should always consult a spiritual director or spiritual friend. For some reason we can hear God better when the message is intended for someone else. :) Friends can be a great way to validate a feeling of discernment. It is also helpful to have others pray with you. Does this mean that all advice you get from friends is directly from God? Absolutely not! Consult people you trust and who have a strong faith. Even priests, religious and the Pope have spiritual directors that they discern with.

3. God also speaks through that still small voice in our hearts. It may be an idea that pops into your head or a little whisper in your soul. I think we were trained to believe that we are just that brilliant and all of these ideas are our own. I believe those come from God. Another silly example: I lost a maternity shirt that I only wore once. I needed this shirt because before too long it won't fit anymore. I looked everywhere for it. Then one day I really wanted to wear it and suddenly I saw in my mind's eye that it was at the bottom of a laundry hamper that was full of clothes to be given to Goodwill.  I believe God directed me there. I couldn't have suddenly figured that out on my own. I am not that smart. :)

These are hard concepts for adults to learn and will be difficult for kids too.  I think the way that we can teach these most effectively is by modeling them. Each time we feel God has given us a sign or helped with a a decision just say it out loud so your kids can hear. With the shirt example I might just say "Wow thanks God for showing me where my shirt was". Then Ella might ask "How did he show you?" That gives me a chance to share a bit with her about how I communicate with God. Also point it out if you notice God speaking through your children. If your child says something very profound or loving you can say something like "Wow that was so thoughtful. I think God gave you that idea" or "Wow you must have been listening to God when you said that". It will open up the doors to discuss what it means to listen to Him. In order to effectively discern the large decisions we must first be in tune with God on the small decisions. The more practice that we have the easier it will be to discern His will from our own.

Also, when your child is in the moment and needs discernment, stop with them and pray. Teach them by modeling in your own prayer to ask for God's help. If they are trying to make a decision, lost something special, having an argument with a friend or family member, etc. show them that they can lean on God for support.  Being a teacher in a public school I was never able to share this beautiful gift with my students and it drove me crazy. Can you imagine the climate of a classroom or family if we prayed during our arguments and problems instead of fighting back?

The other important part of discernment is knowing your feelings and how things affect them. When a message or feeling is from God you will feel a sense of peace and calm in your heart. If a message is not from God or is not right in this situation you will feel uneasy, angry, sad, possibly even a bit nauseous.

I am by no means a spiritual director so, if you want more information on Discernment check out St. Ignatius of Loyola. He pretty much wrote the book on the subject. I did a bible study with him a few years ago and it was great. The title of the book that we used was "What's Your Decision?" It is an easy read and explains discernment in a way that anyone can understand. If you are interested  you can buy it here. There are many other St. Ignatius discernment books well that you can choose from.

Happy Discerning!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dad's Corner

So my wife started this blog, and already...I am all over the internet.  I think it is only fair that I introduce myself and my relationship with God.

First of all, I am a proud husband and proud father.  My wife and my family (Mom, Dad, in-laws, sister, etc.) have been pivotal in introducing and guiding me towards a faith-filled life.  Wives...this is the point at which you should be reading and say to yourself..."how did she get him to write a post?"  Well it was easy.  She started this blog two days ago and already has 250+  views.  Now, this tells me that there is an audience out there that is yearning for some evangelizing.  Ok, lets not scare people with that verb.  How about this...there are people out there interested in Christ...furthermore, interested in good ole' Catholic/Christian traditions that may help them with guiding their children.

So why would I write a post?  Well, here is a little bit about me.  I am that type of person that works hard...often physical labor outdoors in Texas (oh the heat!).  I don't believe in going to the doctor until you just can't stand the pain anymore.  I think that you can most times judge someone within the first twenty seconds of meeting them based on how they introduce themselves and how respectful they comply with your introduction.  I think that men should open doors for women and that for the most part...parents these days have become complacent or bored with the idea of raising our children to be respectful.  I have to credit my mom and dad.  Wow what a job!  The respect of others and self they taught me is a lost art (not one that cannot be achieved).  Why go into this???

Because I do not fit the mold of a father or man that should be sensitive to express the importance, or endorse for that matter, the significance of raising your children in a good Catholic environment.  By first sight, I probably would not meet your standards as a "God loving man."  I am pretty rough around the edges.

What I would hope to achieve from this post is this.  MOMS...we husbands, whether we tell you or not, want to embrace your spiritual leadership.  Yes, I am very aware of scripture (forgive my misquoting/paraphrasing)...the man is the spiritual leader.  As this may be true,  we do also like to follow!  Especially when it comes to the "oh so" uncomfortable topics of the Church's teaching.  Just my two cents.  Moms, remember, sometimes we fathers too want to be involved in the spiritual upbringing of our children...sometimes we just don't know how we fit in; what we are comfortable with (i.e. open prayer, praying together, etc.)  I hope and pray for all you mothers out there.  Do not lose you lead, spiritually, your husbands will follow...and you will be able to share in RAISING OUR (your) CATHOLIC KIDS.

Two of my favorite days as a parent

I was listening to Relevant Radio today, which by the way is my fav! A caller asked Fr. Simon about celebrating your child's baptism each year. It was a great call and it really got me thinking. We should be celebrating our children's baptisms each year. After all this was the day that they were given new life, kind of like their spiritual birthday. We should look at pictures of their baptisms, tell stories, and talk about what it means to be baptized in Christ. I could even bake a little cake. :) (That is my other obsessive hobby. We can talk about that more later).

The baptisms of my daughters are two days that I will NEVER forget. I am thrilled to have this experience with my new son. Ella was baptized in 2008 during the Easter Vigil. This is an incredibly special day for me because it was also the day that I joined the Catholic Church and received the Eucharist for the first time. I love that we were able to join the church together on that day. She was also oh so cute in her beautiful baptismal gown.

Olivia's baptism had an even stronger effect on me. We had so many friends and family here to celebrate with her. She slept through part of her baptism then at almost the exact moment when the Deacon baptized her she was filled with the Holy Spirit. She suddenly began to glow with the biggest smile I have ever seen. It was as if she knew exactly what was happening. It sealed for me in that moment that baptism is real and alive even if the baby is young and doesn't understand what is happening.  She was given to God on that day and it can never be taken away from her. Now does Olivia remember this? No, but I am able to show her the pictures of her beautiful smile and explain to her that she had God in heart. She loves that story. We have been talking a lot about baptism lately because I know that Eli will be baptized soon and I want them to truly understand what is happening to their baby brother. We talk about what it means to be a baptized Christian, that it is the day when we are one with the church, that it forgives our sins. We  talk about God's love and Grace, which Ella loves because her middle name is Grace.  We also talk about what it means to renew our baptismal vows with holy water each Sunday at church.

Olivia was baptized in July. I think we missed the actual date but I think I will fudge a little and celebrate it this week anyway. She is three she won't know the difference right? :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

8 years ago today I married the hardest working and most caring man I know. He is the standard to which all other boyfriends and husbands are judged in my family. You will often hear members of my family say I hope your step sisters and cousins find a "Chad" one day. He loves this family so much and gives everything he has to us. He truly lives out the meaning of the word Sacrifice.

We were married 8 years ago in the Catholic Church at the whopping age of 22. We thought we were so old. Now that seems like just a baby. I can honestly say at the time I didn't truly understand the meaning of a Christian marriage or why we needed to be married in the church. I was after all a Methodist at the time and wanted to get married in my own church. I will forever be grateful to Chad's mom for persuading us to get married in the church and to have a sacramental marriage. I now realize that vast amount of Grace that comes from this sacrament. The beauty of the sacraments is even if you don't know what is happening at the time God is still working in your life.

We have learned so much throughout the years about Christian marriage and how God intends for this beautiful sacrament to be lived out. We recently went to a Marriage retreat at the local church and had our vows renewed. It was pretty cute afterwards we had a little wedding reception with a DJ and wedding cake. :) We also heard an amazing couple speak!! Their names are Greg and Julie Alexander. They have an amazing story of being lost in marriage and wanted it to end, then suddenly realizing God's love in their marriage. They both committed adultery and were begging the priest for a divorce when they had this realization. They now have 7 kids ranging in age from 24 years old to 20 months old! The book is called Marriage 911- How God Saved Our Marriage and He can Save Yours Too. I absolutely LOVED reading this book. Even if your marriage is not in crisis or you are not even married yet I recommend reading this book. One of the topics that they discuss is how no one teaches you to be married you just get married and hope everything works out for the best. They had to learn the hard way 10 years later what marriage should be. I believe this is a great book for singles, dating and engaged couples to read BEFORE they get married.

They also provide marriage counseling in San Antonio and other areas of the country. Check it out their website for the book or info about their counseling or radio programs.

Happy Anniversary love of my life!! I made him a fun Pinterest inspired anniversary gift. I will post it tomorrow after I give it to him. It is still a secret!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

A little lazy teacher secret

shhhh don't tell anyone but.... if there is a book that I talked about in the blog and you would like to read it or share it with your kiddos but don't want to pay for it just youtube it. Just about every single book has at least one re-telling on youtube. Now I will not endorse the readers some times they are a bit strange. I did this one time in my class and the lady reading the book was a bit craaaazyyy! My kids were scared of her. At one point in the book she just stopped reading and laughed hysterically and it was not a funny book. :)  Besides that one akward experience though I have saved many a lesson that would have bombed without the book by quickly youtubing it! Happy youtubing!

Have you Filled a Bucket Today?

Another component that I love to incorporate in my classroom and now with my family is the book Have you Filled a Bucket Today?  The premise of this book is that everyone in the world, even your family pet, has in invisible bucket that they carry around with them each day. As friends we can either fill that persons buckets by helping them, saying nice things or just being a kind person. We can also dip into their buckets by being hurtful or mean.  Now here is the kicker... It explains that if you fill a bucket then it fills your bucket too. Being kind to others make you feel good too. On the flip side dipping into a bucket dips into your own bucket as well. The kids learn if I hurt someone it hurts me too. They quickly realize that it is not worth it to hurt others. They begin to go out of their way to help others because it feels so good for them.

With my little ones at home we have a family bucket. We each have our own colors of pom-poms and we are working together as a family to fill it. Anytime someone feels that their bucket has been filled by another family member then they can tell the other person to put a pom-pom in the bucket. Our goal is to fill the bucket so that we can celebrate together as a family at the Austin Children's Museum. The kids love this!!! It keeps the household much  more positive and loving. Now don't get me wrong siblings are the WORST bucket dippers I know. For some reason it is so much easier to be mean to your sister or brother than a friend at school, but we are getting better.

The girls received a present with the book, the bucket and a letter from Mr. Happy the bucket. Mr. Happy explianed to them that he needs them to be bucket fillers and taught them how to help one another. 

There is one more a-ha in this simple children's book. It explains that kids who have empty buckets are often the bucket dippers. Which means bullies act in that way because they feel awful about themselves. This idea often stopped me in my tracks as a teacher. When I read this for the first time last year I had just gotten on to a child in my class for not walking down the hall correctly. After I read the book he raised his hand and said "Mrs. Copeland my bucket is empty". It broke my heart because I knew that I had emptied it. Why would he want to do nice things for me and follow directions if his bucket was empty? It was a great reminder for me to treat kiddos the way that I want to be treated as well and to remember to be a bucket filler with everyone around me kids and adults alike. (Especially our husbands yikes!!)

There are also adult versions of this concept and more children's books that you can continue to read. I like to read them periodically. It is a good reminder for them and for me too!

Did Pete Cry? Goodness No!!!

Another activity that I just LOVE to do with young children is to read the book Pete the Cat. Pete is fabulous in so many ways. He is a groovy little "hipster" cat that has all sorts of rhythm and positivity. He teaches kids to not let things bother them when they go wrong. It is also quite humorous for the adult reader. His first book is about his favorite white shoes. He loves these white shoes but then he steps in something and they get dirty. "Does Pete cry? Goodness No!!!" all the kids yell it together. This continues throughout the story until the end where it gives the moral of the story "No matter what ya step in.... Keep walkin' along and singing your song" I always giggle on that part thinking about what you could step in on a really bad day. :) There are now sequels to the story. He has a book about going to school for the first time and a new one called "My Four Groovy Buttons". I especially love this one because it kind of has a little rap beat to it. I like the ghetto flava! It also shows kids that material items won't make you happy and to not worry too much about them. For each book their is a free download with the song that accompanies the book. 

Click on these links to check out a bit of each book along with their very grooovvy songs

Four Groovy Buttons

Rocking My School Shoes

Pete The Cat

There is also a little plush Pete the Cat doll and some fun activities to do with him. It serves as a great reminder for kiddos of how to react when things go wrong or they are not happy about something. Our first graders used to sing "I love to Clean Up" whenever they had to clean because they didn't want to clean but they wanted to be like Pete. I also always wanted to have a little take home Pete journal where the kids could write about ways that they overcame some kind of adversity. Could be as small as I lost my favorite toy to as big as a family problem that they didn't let bother them. Small kids could draw pictures about these types of things as well.
Isn't Pete Great? Who wouldn't love a groovy little optimistic cat?!

Who knew this would be so hard?

I have two of the most amazing little girls. Ella who is 4 1/2 and Olivia who is 3. Both girls are avid learners and love to try new things. Ella can already read at age 4. They would rather act out bible stories and pretend to be Mary than the Disney Princesses. They both love God with all their heart. They truly are amazing. Does this mean that life in our house is a piece of cake? No way Jose! I used to think when I was younger that after teaching preschool and Elementary for 12 years  for sure  parenting would be easy. I had raised hundreds of kids right? Many of them with severe behavior issues, autism, you name it. I was W-R-O-N-G! No matter how much experience I had working with children it is SO much harder with my own! The good news is if I take them to VBS, school or a play group people say how wonderful and sweet they are. So it seems I get the best of their little behavior. Well if they are going to be good somewhere I guess I would rather it be for other people, right? For me though it is a different story. So I have started a new system with them, one that I use in my classroom and it is working. Stay tuned to hear all about it!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hello Mommies

I am so excited to launch a blog for Moms who are interested in raising kids after God's heart. My name is Megan and I live in Austin, TX. I am married to an amazing man named Chad. We have two little girls and a little fella on the way. He should be here any time! I was a second grade teacher with a passion for teaching kids to love another and strive to do the right thing. With our third little one on the way I get to be a stay at home mom again. My life revolves around my faith and my family.  There is nothing I love more in the world than sharing my faith with kiddos and teens. I have a passion for youth ministry and have seen so many lives changed by the Holy Spirit.

I am glad you decided to stop by my little blog. Around here I will share my ideas for parenting, discipline, faith and raising kids and teens who know and love God. Also some spiritual advice for growing in your faith as a Christian mom as well. Come back and see me!