Then after the baby is born it transitions into "is the baby getting enough food?" "I think I am starving her." "Am I holding her too much?" "Am I not holding her enough?" The list goes on and on. I am an avid breast feeding advocate but I think a lot of mom's feel a heaping helping of mommy guilt with breast feeding. Especially when well meaning family members tell you the baby is not getting enough milk.
Mommy guilt doesn't seem to go away as they get older. It just changes a bit. Now my guilt is.... "Are they eating healthy enough?" "Am I teaching them enough about the faith?" "Am I smothering them with the faith?" "Do I give them enough attention and fun activities?" "Am I spoiling them with attention and fun activities?" It feels like every single decision will scar them for life sometimes.
And now we have Pinterest. Oh my Pinterest. Doesn't it make you feel like you are not as cute, fashionable, organized, creative, etc the list goes on. Don't get me wrong I loooovvvee Pinterest but sometimes it can add to our guilt.
So the point of this post is not to be a total Debbie Downer. Instead, it is to remind us all, that if you are just reading a blog about being a good Christian Mom then you are already full filling your goal to be a great mom. I had a sweet friend ask me the other day how to encourage her three year old in his faith. The only response I could give her is keep up the good work. She clearly has her priorities in the right place and her three year old will grow up knowing how important her faith is to her. Sometimes we get wrapped up in blogs and Pinterest and forget that we are great moms without all of these cutesie ideas and activities. So pick and choose the ideas you like and have time for and forget the rest. :) Remember that each of us will parent in a different way and that God is ultimately in control of everything we do. Be prayerful and thankful for this beautiful life we get to live as Moms and have fun!!!
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